Written by Staff

Right before the official launch of the new website and the personal blog of the Rome based store Holypop, we had a chat with the manger and creator of both projects, Davide Mascioli.

What are the main features of the new Holypopstore.it 3.0? And what about the blog? Is it going to be big in this new project?

"We have decided to take advantage of our mistakes and transform them into strengths, profiting by the experience gained over the years,
The real big work has been done behind the scenes, making everything from scratch based on new technologies.

The Blog will have a fundamental role in the project, it will be our preferential channel to express ourselves at its best, and to tell about what’s going on around our world."

Creativity and art have always been prerogatives for Holypop. As for the style of the site, have you chosen to twist everything in your new project or did you rely on the old holypopstore.com 2.0?


"Everything has been redesigned and reinterpreted following our maniacal attention to detail. It is evident from the start that everything has been brought to a much higher level, while still maintaining our pop soul."

What do you expect from new customers visiting both pages (website and blog)? Will it be easy to get used to the design change?

"More than a change, I would speak about a natural evolution. Everything has been redesigned to let the user enjoy the experience as much as possible."

Do you think it is important to periodically renovate your own image? Or do you think visitors could be disappointed to find a different site from what they expected?

"I think it's essential to renovate, but having a clear vision on what your values are, that’s important as well. That’s the base of everything, dedicating constant effort to never lose sight of your purpose."